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Unheavy Music!

Since we've been mixing and mastering for our clients, we've noticed a pattern evolving in the type of music we typically work on. At first it was hard to categorise, as we cross a variety of genres, but there always remained a commonality between our clients' tracks. So eventually we came to the conclusion that we specialise in unheavy music. There are other studios out there that specialise in heavy music, including metal, rock, punk, and all of the sub genres; heavy music is mostly easy to identify, and asking almost anyone on the street what "heavy music" means will almost always get a pretty accurate representation; loud, distortion, thumping, shouting, are all examples that immediately give without much thought, along with all the bands that you might associate with the "heavy" label. Although we realise that people might not necessarily identify with the term unheavy, it's one that seems to describe the vast majority of the artists we work with. Whether it be classical score and epic, or singer-songwriter, alt-country, or many of the other genres that rely on clarity, and shine to reveal and enhance the natural essence of an artists music. So if you have unheavy music that needs mixing, now you know we're here for you! Do you think that unheavy is a label that speaks for itself? I wish you all the best on your musical journey.

Image provided by Ilya Gorborukov @ilyagorborukov

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